ASNUM, INSU , France

Webinaire Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL) & Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL)

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Webinaire Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL) & Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL)

octobre 16, 2023 @ 14h00 - 16h00

Webinaire ASNum

Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL) & Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL)

Astrophysics from star formation to cosmology scales with RAMSES across the globe

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RAMSES is a publicly available adaptive mesh refinement code used for a multitude of astrophysics problems over the last two decades by a growing community across the globe, and is one of the main codes used for cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. In this presentation, we begin by giving an overview of the history of the RAMSES code and its usage in a variety of science-cases ranging from sub-parsec to giga-parsec scales. We will then present and explain the newly established RAMSES SNO (Service National d’Observation), which will allow us to develop a service to the RAMSES community and make the code even more user-friendly for aspiring and established astrophysicists alike.


Date :
octobre 16, 2023
Heure :
14h00 - 16h00
Catégorie d’Évènement: