ASNUM, INSU , France


Webinaire Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL) & Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL)

Webinaire ASNum Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL) & Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL) Astrophysics from star formation to cosmology scales with RAMSES across the globe Voir le replay :   RAMSES is a publicly available adaptive mesh refinement code used for a multitude of astrophysics problems over the last two decades by a growing community across the globe,…
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Webinaire Geoffroy Lesur (IPAG)

Webinaire ASNum Geoffroy Lesur (IPAG) IDEFIX Idefix is a Godunov MHD finite volume code designed to run on accelerated supercomputers using the C++ Kokkos framework. In this webinar, I will discuss our motivations for creating a new code (in contrast to porting an existing one) and the path we followed. As the code is now…
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Webinaire Emmanuel Bertin (CEA)

Webinaire ASNum Emmanuel Bertin (CEA) New prospects on Wide-Field imaging with Deep Learning Voir le Replay : Since the 19th century, wide-field imaging has significantly advanced numerous fields of Astrophysics, spanning from the study of solar system bodies to observational cosmology. Further advances in detector technology and processing power now enable the exploration of…
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