ASNUM, INSU , France

Webinaire Mainetti et al.

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Webinaire Mainetti et al.

mai 27 @ 14h00 - 15h00

Webinaire ASNum

Computing for research in astroparticle physics and cosmology at CC-IN2P3

Gabriele Mainetti, Quentin Le Boulc’h, Nadia Lajili, Rachid Lemrani Alaoui, Fabio Hernandez

IN2P3 computing centre (CC-IN2P3) provides computing and data storage services to support the projects of IN2P3’s scientific programme, including those addressing subjects in astroparticle physics and cosmology. We will present services the site offers illustrated by examples of a few projects currently taking data or in their final stages of preparation for entering their operations phase



Date :
mai 27
Heure :
14h00 - 15h00
Catégorie d’Évènement:
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