ASNUM, INSU , France

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Webinaire Adeline Paiement

Webinaire ASNUM Adeline Paiement Université de Toulon Domain-informed analysis of (astro)physics data Replay : Machine learning and deep learning methods are increasingly popular for analysing physics and astrophysics data.…
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Webinaire Alain Miniussi et Elena Lega

Webinaire ASNUM Alain Miniussi et Elena Lega Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur Planet-disk interactions with the fargOCA code: transitioning from CPUs to Hybrid Architectures with Kokkos Voir le Replay :…
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Webinaire Damien Gratadour

Webinaire ASNUM Building new brains for giant astronomical telescopes with Deep Neural Networks Damien Gratadour Observatoire de Paris Voir le Replay : The field of experimental astronomy is entering…
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Webinaire Damien Chapon

Webinaire ASNUM Damien Chapon CEA Saclay   The Galactica database: an open, generic and versatile tool for the dissemination of numerical simulation data in astrophysics. Voir le Replay :…
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Webinaire Vincent Reverdy

Webinaire ASNUM Vincent Reverdy Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules The Evolution and Standardization of C++ for the Future of Numerical Astrophysics Voir le Replay :     Over…
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Webinaire Mainetti et al.

Webinaire ASNum Computing for research in astroparticle physics and cosmology at CC-IN2P3 Gabriele Mainetti, Quentin Le Boulc’h, Nadia Lajili, Rachid Lemrani Alaoui, Fabio Hernandez Voir le Replay : IN2P3 computing…
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Webinaire Wassim Tenachi

Webinaire ASNUM Wassim Tenachi Automatically discovering analytical physical laws using deep reinforcement learning Voir le REPLAY : Observatoire de Strasbourg Symbolic Regression is the study of algorithms that automate…
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Webinaire Anne-Laure Ligozat

Webinaire ASNUM The environmental costs of computing Anne-Laure Ligozat Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN) Voir le Replay : The use of digital services and equipment keeps increasing…
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Webinaire Raphaël Loubère

Webinaire ASNUM Raphaël Loubère Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux

Webinaire Paulo Alves (UCLA)

Webinaire ASNum Paulo Alves UCLA Distilling reduced plasma physics models from the data of first-principles kinetic simulations Voir le Replay : At the core of some of the most…
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